
  • The purpose of Porter Fleming Foundation is to provide grants to organizations, for the cultural educational, literary, artistic, scientific, historical, musical and cultural enrichment of the lives of individuals and the general public of Augusta.

  • Grant recipients must be residents of the State of Georgia or the State of South Carolina.

  • Grants shall not be made to the same organization in successive years unless, in the opinion of the trustees, unusual circumstances warrant such grants.

  • The recipients of grants and the nature of grants shall be as diversified as possible.

  • Decisions of the Trustees will be based solely on what they believe to be the merits of the project as provided to them by the applicants, with considerations of appropriateness, quality and excellence taking precedence over all others.

  • Projects that benefit the following counties are eligible: Aiken, Burke, Columbia, Edgefield, Jefferson, Richmond

  • Funding may be granted to programs that target: Educational, Literary, Artistic, Scientific Historical, Musical, and Cultural Enrichment.

  • Applications will be accepted: November 1 to February 1. Decisions of the Trustees will be based solely on what they believe to be the merits of the projects as provided to them by the applicants with considerations of quality and excellence taking precedence over all others.

It is not the intent of the Foundation to provide organizational scholarship assistance for graduate or undergraduate academic courses, but rather to assist an organization in carrying out a specific project or line of work that may benefit the community at large.

Examples could include: A seed grant for a new innovative arts or research project, a project that brings a subject expert or performer to the community, or a community art project.

For Organizations

Qualified organizations include local organizations whose purpose is the advancement of learning or the enhancement of the cultural life of the Augusta area (Richmond, Burke, Jefferson, Columbia, Aiken and Edgefield counties) within any of fields mentioned above. 

Grants will not be given for any expense covered by an organization’s usual operating expenses, but solely for the purpose of advancing projects that would not normally be undertaken out of its ordinary funds.

Ineligible purposes include projects for the alleviation of human suffering, however meritorious, nor for community betterment, nor for any political purpose nor for organizations which rely heavily on government support.

Application Opens: November 1

Application Closes: February 1st

Checks Distributed: April

Grant Cap: No Cap

Not eligible for funding:

  • Organizational operating expenses, to include ongoing programming costs that are not directly tied to the project request

  • Projects that are geared to secondary or higher education

  • Projects/artistic work already in process

  • Deficit financing and debt retirement

  • Endowments

  • Political organizations or campaigns

  • Special fundraising events/celebration functions

  • Marketing endeavors unless the marketing is directly connected to the program in your grant application

  • Core operating expenses for public and private elementary and secondary schools and public and private colleges and universities

  • Projects that are typically the funding responsibility of federal, state, or local governments

  • Educational Scholarships